جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Nur Center at Taibah University Organizes the Third Meeting of Research Projects
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The Center of Information Technology Researches for the Service of the Holy Qur'an and it Sciences at Taibah University (Nur) organized the third meeting of research projects at the two Halls of University Development at the Circular Building for Men and the Ceremonies Hall at As Salam Complex for Women where visual presentations on the research projects, numbering 12 projects have been provided and including a research entitled Complete Development Online "Qura'an",and the Qur'an is the Cordial Portal of Jawal by the researcher Zameer Ahmad Adony, and a research entitled Evaluating the Sites of  Teaching and Learning the Holy Qur'an Online in the Light of the Educational and Technical Standards by the researcher Aisha Belhesh Al Omary, and a researcher entitled Developing an Online Site for the Service of the Holy Qur'an and its Sciences for the Blind, Handicapped, and Illiterate categories by the researcher Dr. Sameer Ahmad Muhammad.
As well, the provided presentations included a researcher entitled Safe and Strong Watermark for Protecting the Holy Qur'an and Isalmic Sites from Distortion, Cheatin, and Manipulation by the researcher Dr. Nedal Fawzy Shelbeyah, a researcher entitled Teaching the Holy Qur'an for Handicapped Students by the Researcher Loai Zubaidy, a research entitled An Interactive Teaching Program of Tajweed Rules by the researcher Dr. Yaser Abdul Baset Hasanein, a research entitled the Framework and Mechanism of Verifying the Electronic Qur'an by the researcher Dr. Muhammad Kharm Khan, research entitled An Interactive Conversation Program in Arabic for Jawal for Memorizing Qur'an and its Sciences by the researcher Ahmad Sameh Sayed Muhammad, a research entitled Developing the System of the Rules of an Adadpted Knowledge of Qur'anic Researches and Studies and Relevant Sciences by the researcher Dr. Ammar Arabaey, and a research entitled Program of Learning Holy Qur'an for Android devices by the female researcher Dr. Manal Muhammad Al Abeed, and a research entitled Authentication and Protecting the Resources of Qur'an Using Textual Watermarks by the researcher Omar Talyan Ali Munaser, in addition to a research entitled Developing and Implementing the Database System of Teaching and Training the Recitation of the Holy Qur'an by the Seven Qiraat by the Way of Shatebeyah by the researcher Dr. Refaat Hassan Al Zonfuly.
The meeting was concluded by a speech delivered by the Chairman of the Center Dr. Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Bin Ali in which he prasied Allah for holding this meeting and thanked therein all who contributed in preparation and organization and thanked the male and female researchers for their attendance and contribution and expressed his happiness for what he listened and saw during meeting of the workflow progress in the projects and urged all to intensify their efforts to complete the projects at the specified time and ensuring realizing quality therin.
It is worth mentioning that The Center of Information Technology Researches for the Service of the Holy Qur'an and it Sciences at Taibah University (Nur) at Taibah University containes five research units which are the Information Technology Unit for the Service of Qiraat, Information Technology Unit for the service of Tafsir, Information Security Unit for the Service of the Holy Qur'an and its Sciences, and Unit of Quality and Standards in the Field of Information Technology for the Service of Holy Qur'an and its Sciences.
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