جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة

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 Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities

              Dr. Suhail Abdullah Shafea


Dean's Message

Praise to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets, and on his family and companions.

The Faculty of Arts is the largest College at Taibah University in terms of its students and the College teachingstaff. It includes 8Departments and 23 programs,8 of which are for the BA degrees and 14 of which are for theMA degrees in various disciplines of humanities. The College is trying to achieve a number of academic goals, the most important of which is the preservation of the identity of the Saudi society in accordance with the instructions and values derived from the Quran while preserving our language and Arabic heritage and the introduction of contemporary disciplinesthat do not jeopardize the values of the society. We are optimistic that the College will be a rich source of knowledge, a solid support to the building of anacademically qualified character that masters its knowledge, loyal to its country, and successful in its performance.​​​

The College vision is to achieve leadership at national, regional, and international levels in arts and human sciences. Through its mission, the College seeks to prepare competent graduates distinguished by their contribution to knowledge, creativity in their disciplines, and enrichment of academic research through postgraduate studies and the contribution in community service and building distinguished community partnerships while taking into consideration the comprehensive system of quality and the achievement of academic accreditation.​


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An interactive map to access any web pages of the academic departments of the college of arts and human sciences by clicking in the image on the department to visit its website.​

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    Professor Mohammed al-Safrani is the editor in chief of the journal of Taibah University of Arts and Humanities

PDF sigle.jpgThe editorial board of the journal of Taibah University of Arts and Humanities   

The printed version of the first and the second Issue of the Journal are delivered in the central Library of Taibah University​​​​


The Arabic Language Department of the College of Arts and Humanities at Taibah University and Arabic language section of the National University of Malaysia organized in the academic year 1437-1438 a seminar entitled "International symposium in Arabic language and literature and culture in the educational institutions in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia" in the conference hall in the university , 47 Working paper are presented at the symposium by researchers from various Islamic countries.​​​

The President of Taibah University Dr. Abdulaziz Assarani  confirmed that these global symposium will enrich the scientific relations between the members of the teaching staff and the leaders of the two universities.

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  • ُTow researchers from the department of information sciences and learning resources developed a Monitor System to store and retrieve activities. This System stores the following activities:

The Monitor System does not store information. Instead, it stores explicit knowledge that contributes to making sound decisions in the following fields:

(i) Academic and refereed journals which are approved and recognized for promotions in arts and human sciences. Therefore, the Monitor System excludes and rejects the academically unprofessional journals that are not approved academically as well as other journals.

(ii) Important and non-commercial international, regional, and national academic conferences on arts and human sciences. Thus, the Monitor System and excludes the commercial and unimportant conferences.

(iii) Official interviews with official figures whether at University or college level. Thus, the Monitor System addresses rumors.

(iv) Academic activities and storing them as previous experiences that can be benefited from and from their topics by future generations.

​(v) Free writing in the field of knowledge in arts and human sciences and its  contribution through the Monitor System. This is a mechanism of sharing knowledge with others.

Like other secure systems, you can log-in to the Monitor System through a User Name and Password, which can be retrieved when it is lost through the official e-mail account. Below are some of the pages of the Monitor System:​


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From the following  link, it is possible to access to ​the e-library of the college of arts and Human Sciences and its department​.​

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PDF sigle.jpgThe editorial board of the​ journal of Taibah University of Arts and Humanities   ​