- ُTow researchers from the department of information sciences and learning resources developed a Monitor System to store and retrieve activities. This System stores the following activities:
The Monitor System does not store information. Instead, it stores explicit knowledge that contributes to making sound decisions in the following fields:
(i) Academic and refereed journals which are approved and recognized for promotions in arts and human sciences. Therefore, the Monitor System excludes and rejects the academically unprofessional journals that are not approved academically as well as other journals.
(ii) Important and non-commercial international, regional, and national academic conferences on arts and human sciences. Thus, the Monitor System and excludes the commercial and unimportant conferences.
(iii) Official interviews with official figures whether at University or college level. Thus, the Monitor System addresses rumors.
(iv) Academic activities and storing them as previous experiences that can be benefited from and from their topics by future generations.
(v) Free writing in the field of knowledge in arts and human sciences and its contribution through the Monitor System. This is a mechanism of sharing knowledge with others.
Like other secure systems, you can log-in to the Monitor System through a User Name and Password, which can be retrieved when it is lost through the official e-mail account. Below are some of the pages of the Monitor System: