جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة

Welcome To Cybersecurity Adminstration Page


Keep Passwords Confidential 

1- Users are prohibited from entering passwords in email messages or electronic communications. 

2- Users are prohibited from sharing their passwords with other users and are thus fully responsible for any activities conducted through electronic systems using their passwords. 

3- Users are prohibited from capturing or obtaining passwords, decryption keys, or any other mechanisms for access control that allow unauthorized entry. 

Secure Your Device When You Leave: 

1- Users must enable screensavers with passwords on all servers and PCs to prevent unauthorized access. The timer should be set to activate the screensaver after 10 minutes of inactivity or device shutdown

2- All users must terminate all active network sessions upon completing their tasks. 

3- All users must shut down their devices before leaving the office. 

Create a Strong Password: 

1- Use long passwords — at least 12 characters. 

2- ‌Your password should comprise a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 

3- Passwords should be changed periodically, with a maximum duration of 180 days, and should not be the same as the old password



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