جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة

About the College
College of Engineering was established in Yanbu in accordance with the decision of the Higher Education Council No. (1428/46/20) issued on 06/02/1428 H. The college is committed to provide quality education for students and prepare them for a successful professional career in engineering. Read more...
Dean's Message

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the noblest of prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions.

Welcome to the website of the College of Engineering in Yanbu, which is one of the colleges of Taibah University at Yanbu branch. The college was established in the year 1428 AH (2007 CE) with six main academic departments: Read More...

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