جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة

​ Dean's Mhh




Dear students, faculty, staff, and alumni:

Praise be to God and blessings and peace be upon His Prophet. It is with great honor and pleasure, That I welcome you as the Dean of the college of science at Yanbu as we launch the academic year 1439-1440. The college of science at Yanbu offers a friendly and exciting academic environment in which the views, values, ideas and experiences of students from different regions of KSA are not only shared, but also analyzed and reexamined thoroughly through continuous interaction among students and faculty members. The College includes four departments that offer fourth academic programs. Over the past three years, our College membership has grown to more than 70 members and our community of students to more than 1600 members, therefore I will continue to reach out to our college community as we build and shape the future of our college by seeking to achieve total quality requirements. We have a great foundation on which to build future success in the college by distinguishing in the educational process and developing the scientific research system, enhancement of social participation. The College seeks to prepare cadres capable of innovation in the fields of basic sciences to enrich scientific research, participate in the service of the community and establish a distinguished social partnership.