جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Attendance and leave System
Short description

​An electronic inquiry service for attendance, departure, absence and tardiness for University's employees  and submit applications electronically through the program.

Service Provider:

Deanship of Human Resources and Capability Development

Service Operator:

The Deanship of Information Technology and Digital Transformation.

The party benefiting from the service:

All employees

Service Feature
  • Possibility of submitting permission requests electronically.
  • The possibility of manual preparation of the employee by his department manager to be approved.
  • Print attendance and departure reports

System Requirements

​The employee's username and password.


Total Voting : 1209
Hadir Attendance System
  • Hadir Attendance System

​In case of any inquiries or technical problems, please contact:

Daaem system for technical problems